Browsing Project

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Browsing Project




Browsing Project Form: Browsing Project Guidelines.pdfBrowsing Project Guidelines.docx

LMU Library Catalogue : use the catalogue to identify texts that meet the criteria for the project.




There are 4 Browsing Projects (one with each large unit) in ENGL-320: 



Students are expected to have browsed a library collection (either at LMU or at their local library) and review a range of books (about 7-10) that are good representations of the genre/sub-genre or topic. All children's book should be read, middle grade and HS fiction may be skimmed. 


These are NOT supposed to be heavy time-commitments!! These list-projects are PARTICIPATION projects. If you fully participate (i.e. meet the criteria, find the books), you get credit.  


This is ALSO a great place to start thinking about the final project as you're looking through the stacks and getting ideas. 


This assignment fulfills learning objectives 1&2  (and is the basis for GROUP PRESENTATIONS and the final BIBLIOGRAPHY PROJECT). 




The purpose of this project is: 

  1. to familiarize students with children’s and YA literature collections beyond their personal experience
  2. to develop a robust bibliography of primary texts
  3. to understand the criteria for a “good” book for a range of young readers



  1. BROWSE children’s and YA literature COLLECTIONS (should take about 30 minutes to browse stacks and research on catalogue): 
    1. LMU Children’s and YA literature stacks
    2. Local public library children's and YA lit stacks
    3. Other options may be discussed with professor on one-on-one basis
  2. EVALUATE texts with rubric (use Microsoft Word form): should take 5 minutes to fill out (after reading text)
  3. Create APA or MLA bibliography (use Microsoft Word form): should take 2 minutes per text
  4. Identify WHICH category each book fulfills on table: should take 5 minutes total
  5. ATTACH PICTURE of all five physical books (or e-books) 


Be sure to identify WHICH category each text fills (one text may fulfill more than one category).


CRITERIA (for Browsing Project Grade): 

  PRESENT (100%) MISSING (0%) 
7-10 TEXTS     
REPRESENTS GENRE/sub-genre/topic    
Award Winner    
Elementary or Middle Grade     
Marginalized/Minority Author    
Correct APA or MLA bibliographic citation
PUBLICATION (5 total): 
  • 3 texts after 2000
  • 2 texts after 2013
Includes RUBRIC SCORE for each text